Meeting you where you’re at…

I see you.

You are working so hard, desperately using the margins of your life to grow your business while juggling all your other commitments – full time job, parenting littles, caring for aging parents, managing your household. You have a deep passion for your business, but you feel so lonely, so isolated.

mom working with baby, the mastermind group
mom, woman business owner frustrated

That overwhelmed feeling…

Maybe you’re struggling to believe that you are a business owner. You don’t know what you don’t know, but you’re afraid to speak up. That imposter feeling activates any time someone starts talking about email campaigns or social media engagement.

That’s why we’re here!

… Getting you where you want to go.

This space is for you!

We’ve all been in your exact place; feeling lonely, isolated, longing to call up a friend for help with a specific question instead of getting generic advice from Facebook groups.

We have listened to all podcasts and webinars, only to be disappointed that the answers you so desperately need are promised in a $1,000 course.

community of women, the mastermind group

1. Fill out this form

So we can make sure we’re a good fit together.

2. Schedule a call

This allows us to get to know more about you and your unique business.

3. Come to a meeting

Join one of our 3 meeting locations!

We are waiting for you.

The Mastermind Group (TMG) is a community of women business owners who share the rollercoaster ride of being an entrepreneur together. We believe in you and your business when you struggle to believe in yourself. Every member is invested in seeing you reach your version of success.

You don’t have to go it alone.

We know that you can’t do everything all by yourself. You need a tribe to encourage you on bad days, celebrate with you, challenge your blind spots, and give you advice specific to your unique business.

A mastermind group is a group of individuals who come together in a spirit of humility and harmony to accomplish the same goal. Every member has an equal voice, and everyone learns from one another. Here’s a great article for more information on what a mastermind group is.

We want to be that for you. Every month, we:

1. Celebrate your every win (there is no such thing as a “small win”),

2. Brainstorm anything you need help with,

3. Hold you accountable for setting and achieving the goals that move your business forward.

I know I would still be spinning my wheels without these ladies. ❤❤

Sarah C.